Wednesday 15 August 2007

TDD momentum continues

Just a small update this time. The TDD course seemed to go ok and many of the participants now have an understanding of how to actually write the tests first and then move on to the production code.

I got good feedback on the theory of the course, but the practical part was a bit unorganised and some found it difficult to think as proposed in TDD. This was great! It shows that we are truly not used to think this way and hopefully it will inspire to more.

I will refine my course to be even more streamlined when it comes to the practical part and hopefully with other employees we will not have the issue of an unfamiliar IDE.

For the .Net guys out there I came over this CruiseControl.Net demo today. So no excuses for not having continuous integration on your platform either!

I'll be back with a longer post on management issues when faced with delays which is out of your control. (promise!)

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