Getting things done..
You have heard it before and I am saying it again. When you got a lot of things to do it's easy to loose focus. As a project manager its imperative that you have focus on the prioritised tasks.
I'm what you can call a "yes" person. When people ask me for help or wants me to do something for them I tend to say yes. This keeps me interested in work and it often puts me in positions where I can learn new things, meaning that being a yes person is great. But sometimes the amount of things I have said yes to gets too big. Thats when I start to loose focus on what I need to do, especially what to do first. When this happens we ask ourselves questions like, what is the most important task or which task has the nearest deadline. These questions are important, but what you need to do first is to actually know what tasks you have said yes to.
Make a list!
It's often as simple as that. Just make the list and things becomes much more clear. Then add deadlines on the tasks and prioritise it.
As a professor at the university I knew said, when you know what to do there is only two more things: First thing is to start and the next is to continue!
Not that different from scrum now is it?
Some inspiring webpages on GTD and the like:
Coaches corner
All things Workplace